MMA fights for our members and the 628,700 Michiganders they employ. Learn about the top priority issues and learn how to be involved below.
Driving Manufacturing Innovation and Growth
2025-26 MMA Legislative & Regulatory Agenda
MMA’s 2025-26 Legislative & Regulatory Agenda is a comprehensive strategic plan designed to enhance Michigan’s position as a top global manufacturing center, ensuring our state defines the cutting edge of global competition for years to come. The policy recommendation come from a diverse assembly of manufacturing leaders, with an aim to strengthen Michigan’s position as a leader in manufacturing.
MMA is actively working with Governor Gretchen Whitmer, her administration and legislative leaders in both the House and the Senate to compete successfully against other states and nations that actively work to unseat Michigan as the global manufacturing leader.
The Agenda is driven by MMA Policy Committees, with the guidance of the MMA Government Affairs Committee and the MMA Board of Directors.
Key Policy Areas
- Employment & Workforce Policy
Protecting the future of employees and the success of manufacturing while maintaining a competitive state regulatory system
- Talent
Revolutionize Michigan’s talent development systems to meet the skills needed to empower the largest sector of Michigan’s economy — manufacturing — to thrive
- Tax Policy
Creating a statewide business climate to allow manufacturers to remain globally competitive
- Environmental & Regulatory Policy
Protecting human health and the environment while maintaining a competitive state regulatory system
- Energy Policy
Ensuring manufacturers can compete globally and provide low-cost energy with reliable capacity and delivery systems
- Infrastructure, Transportation & Natural Resources
Recognizing the priority role Michigan’s roads, bridges, waterways and pipelines have on manufacturing’s ability to receive raw materials and ship products across the state and country
- Health Care Policy
Controlling the rising cost of health care to allow manufacturers to continue offering outstanding benefits
- Food & Beverage Policy
Supporting the food and beverage sector is critical to economic growth in Michigan
Get Involved
MMA Policy Development
Member-driven Policy Committees review the issues and developments that impact Michigan’s manufacturing sector.
Be an Industry Advocate
Go behind the scenes at the Capitol, shadow MMA’s Government Affairs team and learn how to be an industry advocate during the annual MMA Legislative Day in Lansing.
Support Pro-Manufacturing Education and Candidates
Support pro-manufacturing policy by investing in MMA’s education funds and support pro-manufacturing candidates through the MMA-PAC.
Stay Informed
Legislation that affects your company can be introduced one week and impact your bottom line the next. Subscribe to MMA’s weekly Manufacturing Voice e-newsletter online.
Contact to Learn More
Cindy Grostick
Government Affairs Coordinator
Call 517-487-8552
E-mail grostick@mimfg.org