2022 General Election Endorsements
Elections matter, especially to manufacturers in Michigan looking for pro-manufacturing legislative policies.
The new Michigan House and Senate districts, drawn by the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission, will significantly impact the future policy direction of Michigan. Along with term limits, the new lines have pinched out incumbents, forced other incumbents to run against each other and attracted 564 new candidates into the electoral process.
The promising news for our membership is that MMA is making a significant impact on the elections with an impressive 82 percent of MMA’s endorsed candidates winning their primary races in early August.
Now, MMA is pleased to announce our endorsements for pro-manufacturing candidates in the Michigan House and Michigan Senate for the General Election on Tuesday, 11/8/22. We believe these candidates will help improve Michigan’s manufacturing business climate, increase your competitiveness and support our pro-manufacturing agenda. The list of MMA-endorsed candidates is available in the MMA Election Center.
To help take full advantage of your political footprint and the political power of manufacturers statewide, we encourage you to review our endorsements for candidates in your area and share your views with your administrative decision-making level employees. Employees tend to trust the opinions of their employers, so be sure to share your views to help manufacturing hit at its appropriate political weight.
For the gubernatorial race, the MMA Board of Directors will invite both the Democratic nominee, Governor Gretchen Whitmer, and the Republican nominee, Tudor Dixon, to present to the Board and they will make a final determination on endorsement later in September.
As a member of the largest sector of the Michigan economy, we need your electoral voice to be heard. As the only statewide association dedicated to representing Michigan’s diverse manufacturing sector, we work to ensure Michigan remains the cradle of innovation and invention for generations to come. Please review our list of candidate endorsements in the MMA Election Center, and share your views with your decision-making level employees.