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National MFG Day

MFG Day empowers manufacturers to come together to address their collective challenges so they can help their communities and future generations thrive. Are you ready to share your exciting story with the next generation workforce?

Are you ready to open your doors to the public this fall? Manufacturing careers are sleek, innovative, high-tech and full of great benefits — but not everyone knows it.

Launched annually on the first Friday in October with events that continue throughout the month, MFG Day helps show the reality of modern manufacturing careers by encouraging thousands of companies and educational institutions around the nation to open their doors to students, parents, teachers and community leaders.

Find local events or register your own and utilize resources, including:

  • Planning Webinar
  • Hosting webinar, toolkit and best practices
  • Marketing and video toolkit
  • Merchandise
  • And More...

Learn More About MMA Membership

Elissa Olson

Elissa Olson
Membership Development Manager
Call 517-487-8555
E-mail olson@mimfg.org

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