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  • Duo Form - 2022 John G. Thodis Michigan Manufacturer of the Year (Large Tier)

    March 16, 2023    3260

    From Duo Form’s company culture to their dedication to customers and protecting the environment, they are a very deserving winner of the 2022 Large Tier John G. Thodis Michigan Manufacturer of the Year Award.
  • Approaching Talent Challenges Through a Sustainability Lens

    March 16, 2023    1442

    There’s a proven strategy designed to help employers build scalable, sustainable pipelines of talent that uses tools and methods already familiar to manufacturers. It’s called Talent Pipeline Management (TPM).
  • Fighting for Michigan Manufacturers in All Three Branches of Government

    March 16, 2023    1597

    For more than 35 years, the MMA Lawyers Committee has closely followed cases involving the misapplication of a law, rule or regulation that may affect Michigan manufacturing interests.
  • What is Your Business Exit Strategy

    March 16, 2023    1809

    If you have a business and you intend to retire or sell it at some point in your lifetime, you need to plan your exit strategy early on. Even if you plan to exit decades into the future, what you do now will set you and your business up for long-term success and avoid large challenges for a sale or transition later.
  • 10 Things Every Manufacturer Should Do to Control Energy Costs - But Too Many Don’t

    March 16, 2023    1634

    Virtually every manufacturer wants to cut its energy costs, optimize energy use and improve their sustainability footprint. This can be achieved by taking a few fundamental steps to control how energy is used and paid for.
  • A 360° Leadership Approach

    March 16, 2023    1736

    An authentic leader is someone who can lead in all directions — leading down to those you have authority over, leading laterally to those across the hierarchical structure, leading up to those who supervise over you and leading yourself before leading others. This concept is called 360° leadership.
  • The Purpose of the Workplace Has Changed

    March 16, 2023    1690

    For many businesses, a necessary step in attracting talent is making the workplace a space people want to come by offering flexibility, streamlined systems and employee-centered design. To maximize the potential of technological upgrades, it is essential to equally invest in training existing employees and attracting new talent.
  • Repeal of Right-to-Work Reverses Progress of Michigan’s Economic Competitiveness

    March 14, 2023    1943

    Today the Michigan Senate passed bills undermining Michigan’s ability to successfully transition its economy at the speed of technological change. The Senate’s action, passed on a straight party-line vote, repeals Michigan’s decade-long Right-to-Work policy and reverses Michigan’s attractiveness for new jobs and economic growth.
  • Michigan Manufacturers Association Says Repeal of Right-to-Work Reverses Progress of Michigan’s Economic Competitiveness

    March 14, 2023    1770

    Since 1902, the Michigan Manufacturers Association (MMA) has served Michigan manufacturers through legislative advocacy that supports the competitiveness of the manufacturing industry and Michigan economy. Today, the Association stood in opposition to legislation passed by the Michigan Senate that undermines Michigan’s ability to successfully transition its economy at the speed of technological change.
  • Creating Empowering Benefits Communication Beyond Open Enrollment

    March 10, 2023    2709

    With open enrollment now a distant memory for most employees, it is time to revisit your employee benefits communication plan. Taking a year-round communication approach ensures your employees are aware of and utilizing the entirety of your benefit offerings.

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