
A Strong Board is a Strong Membership

With the passage of time comes a change in leadership on the MMA Board of Directors. After six years of leading the MMA Board through various challenges and opportunities, Bill Henderson, President of Aircraft Precision Products Inc., completed his service and turned the gavel over to Jeff Daniel, Vice President & Chief Financial Officer of PVS Chemicals Inc. It has been my pleasure to work with both Bill and Jeff over the last year and a half of my tenure here, and I am thankful for their dedication to the MMA and our industry.

Our continued success is directly linked to the quality of leadership we can draw upon to serve as a member of the MMA Board. Representing the diverse size of various members as well as the broad spectrum of our industry, the MMA Board sets the direction for our team and provides invaluable insight to our membership. Bill was a willing and capable leader who will be missed in the chair.

That said, Jeff is certain to provide continued leadership for our organization as we exit the pandemic and confront workforce needs, supply chain disruptions and the ever-present effort to secure a tax and regulatory structure in Michigan that permits manufacturing to thrive. And we have the added value of Bill’s continuation on the Board as the Immediate Past Chair.

With thanks to both Bill and Jeff for their service, we also share our gratitude for all members of our Board of Directors.

Contact John J. Walsh

Mike JohnstonMMA President & CEO
Call 517-487-8550

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