Choosing the Right Digital Marketing Agency for Your Manufacturing Company
This article appeared in the January 2020 issue of MiMfg Magazine. Read the full issue and find past issues online.
Choosing the right digital marketing agency is a great way to set your manufacturing company apart from the competition. But, with so many digital marketers out there, all advertising different strategies and different services, it can be tough to decide who is offering the best benefits for your company.
Before you even start looking for an agency, establish your own goals. Are you hoping to get some help reaching sales and marketing objectives, or are you just looking to refresh your website? The scope of your objectives will dictate both your budget and the types of digital marketing agencies you interview.
Step 1: Search for Agencies that Serve Your Goals
You know what your goals are. Now, do your research. Search for agencies that serve your goals, whether that’s lead generation or website design. Take a close look at the agencies that come up first. What are they doing to set themselves apart? Any digital marketing agency’s placement on search engines and digital presence is a direct reflection of the work you can expect to receive. Choose an agency that shows you how they’re delivering on those goals and objectives you’ve set for your company.
Step 2: Interview 2-3 Top Agencies
Interview two or three of your top-choice agencies. They should feel like a natural fit for your team, and they should discuss how their services line up with your goals and objectives.
If you’re looking for a digital marketing agency that can truly help you grow, your interview should be focused on how they can generate revenue for you. Look for agencies that clearly outline 1) where you’re at, 2) where they’d like you to be, and 3) how they’ll help you get there. The agencies with a personalized plan for you are the ones that will deliver legitimate growth, rather than charge you for an expensive website that doesn’t bring in revenue.
Step 3: Let Them Pitch You
Instead of sending out an RFP, let your top choice agencies pitch you. How are they going to solve your problems? What strategies will they use to deliver growth for your company? The agencies that put thought into ways they can set your company apart now are the ones that will implement legitimate strategies after they’ve signed.
Then, before you sign, be sure to ask for a few references from your top-choice agency. Talking to two or three of their existing clients helps prove that you’re really going to get what they’ve pitched, and those conversations will give you a better idea of what to expect from your working relationship with that agency.
In closing, we’d like to point out one last tip to help you find the best agency for your company efficiently. We’ve found that nothing derails the process of signing with a digital marketing agency faster than your own team tripping over each other. Choose one point of contact on your team to do the work of finding a digital marketing agency. Let that person own this project, and trust them to own it. This will help you sign with the right agency at the right time, so you can reach your growth goals faster.
About the Author
Mackenzie Deater is the content strategist for Evenbound. She may be reached at 616-215-0626