
Exciting Announcement for Michigan Manufacturers

It is my pleasure to share with you some early news about new operational and programmatic changes MMA is making to help support the full spectrum of manufacturing talent. 

To develop the strongest and most competitive manufacturing workforce in the world, Bill Rayl will join the Association effective 4/1/22 as our new Executive Director of Workforce Development. 

Bill is widely regarded as one of the most successful creators of talent development programs for manufacturing careers in the nation. In his 30 years of experience, Bill has developed engaging programs preparing students in the Jackson area from pre-K to STEM pathways, skills certifications and advanced degrees. In 2013, he was named the first-ever recipient of MMA’s MFG Talent Champion award (see Bill's bio for more). 

We are honored and grateful to bring Bill’s innovative and proven ideas to a statewide scale to help our members and the state of Michigan win the war for talent. More details about MMA workforce development solutions will be revealed in the coming weeks. In the meantime, please join me in welcoming Bill to the team!  

Contact John J. Walsh

John J. WalshMMA President & CEO
Call 517-487-8550

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