Getting Unemployed Michiganders Back to Work
Governor Gretchen Whitmer has signed into law an important component of MMA’s efforts to get Michiganders back to work.
To help address the critical gap of manufacturing talent, MMA has been advocating for multiple state policy changes that will encourage the unemployed to reengage with the economy and fill the many available jobs awaiting them in the manufacturing industry. A successful example is the reinstatement of work search requirements for unemployment claimants. Since work search requirements were enforced beginning 5/30/21, nearly 249,000 workers are no longer on unemployment rolls. This reduces strain on the 100 percent employer-funded system and shepherds available workers back to work.
Senate Bill 501 (Senator Ken Horn, R-Frankenmuth), MMA-supported legislation that has been signed into law as Public Act 66 of 2021, requires unemployment claimants to register for work with a local Michigan Works! agency as a condition of receiving benefits and addresses problems employers under temporary layoffs/shutdown are experiencing in requesting work search registration waivers with the Unemployment Insurance Agency (UIA).
SB 501 will work to bolster the integrity of the employer-funded unemployment system by helping claimants swiftly get back to work and empowering Michigan Works! agencies to support claimants in their job searches.
At the same time, the new law recognizes the need for manufacturers who face a supply shortage to retain their employees while they collect benefits during temporary layoffs and shutdowns.
In the long-term, this new law will keep people employed and Michigan’s economy strong.
Contact David Q. Worthams
Director of Human Resource Policy
Call 517-487-8511