Governor’s FY 2020 Budget Carries Tax Implications
On initial review, the tax policy proposals essentially increase fuel taxes and most notably increase business taxes on pass-through organizations to fund roads and the elimination of the pension tax and expansion of the earned income tax credit.
Pass-Through Entity Tax
MMA opposes the Governor’s proposed tax increases on pass-through organizations and the state’s small manufacturers.
Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey commented that these types of actions, “would be doubling down on stupid. We do not need to go back to old forms, old techniques, old gimmicks. We need to stay focused on what we’ve been doing the last eight years.”
Governor’s Proposed Fuel Tax
Your Association wants to hear from you! MMA is currently eliciting input from members on the impact the Governor’s fuel tax proposal would have on your business. MMA’s Tax Policy Committee continues to discuss the issue and members will be kept aware of the potential ramifications of the tax on their bottom line.
The budget debate began with the Executive Budget proposal and will continue into the spring and MMA will keep members informed of its progress. Continue the conversation on the implications of Governor Whitmer’s FY 2020 budget recommendations by contacting Mike Johnston at 517-487-8554 or
Contact Mike Johnston
Vice President of Government Affairs
Call 517-487-8554