
Governor’s Marshall Plan for Talent Legislation Introduced

“I applaud the leadership shown today by Senators Hansen and Hildenbrand with the introduction of this legislative package designed to close Michigan’s talent gap and revolutionize how we invest in, develop and attract talent to our state,” said Governor Snyder. “The state that best closes the talent gap will have a competitive advantage over others when companies look at places to locate and expand. With this legislation, Michigan will be that state.”

Senate Bill 941 (Senator Dave Hildenbrand, R-Lowell) and Senate Bill 942 (Senator Goeff Hansen, R-Hart) will:

“We have to do more to close our state’s talent gap and ensure Michiganders have the systems, tools and resources in place to become lifelong learners,” said Director Roger Curtis of the Michigan Department of Talent and Development. “The legislation introduced today is an encouraging sign that we can start to connect Michiganders with these systems, tools and resources, and move our state toward a brighter future.”

This article originally appeared in the 4/17/18 issue of MFG Voice.

Contact Delaney McKinley

Delaney McKinleySenior Director of Government Affairs and Membership
Call 517-487-8530

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