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Job Providers Silenced as Uncompetitive Legislation Speeds through House Committee

LANSING (Mar. 8, 2023) — The collective voice of thousands of Michigan job providers was silenced today as the two largest organizations representing businesses in the state were prevented from testifying in the House Labor Committee’s hearing on legis-lation that would repeal Michigan’s Right-to-Work law.

The Michigan Chamber of Commerce and the Michigan Manufacturers Association (MMA) were prepared to deliver oral testimony on behalf of the businesses represented by their respective organizations to the House Labor Committee this morning as they de-bated House Bills 4004 and 4005 (Representative Regina Weiss, D-Oak Park).

Read their prepared testimony below:

Despite the far-reaching impact of this legislation, the panel moved forward with a vote to report the bills to the House floor, having not heard the perspective of the thousands of businesses impacted.

About the Michigan Chamber of Commerce

The Michigan Chamber of Commerce is a statewide business organization representing approximately 5,000 employers, trade associations and local chambers of commerce. The Michigan Chamber represents businesses of every size and type in all 83 counties across the state and employing more than 1 million Michiganders. The Chamber was established in 1959 to be an advocate for Michigan’s job providers in the legislative, political and legal process.

About MMA

For 120 years, the MMA has been serving Michigan manufacturers and related industries by providing effective representation at Michigan’s Capitol, timely educational semi-nars, quality and competitive-rate insurance programs, informational e-newsletters and a monthly magazine.

Contact for Media Outreach

Delaney McKinleyDelaney McKinley
Executive Vice President of Operations
Call 517-487-8530
E-mail mckinley@mimfg.org

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