
Key Conversation with Jason Wentworth

This article appeared in the September 2020 issue of MiMfg Magazine. Read the full issue and find past issues online.

Q: What’s one thing manufacturers should know about Representative Jason Wentworth?

Representative Wentworth : I always knew that I wanted to serve others. After high school, I joined the US Army and was a military police officer. After the Army, I transitioned into law enforcement in both the public and private sector, where I worked each day to keep others and our community safe. Now as State Representative, I have the privilege of serving those in the 97th district and ensuring that our voice is heard. I want to continue to see our communities grow and prosper.

Q: What does it mean to you to be named an MMA Legislator of the Year?

Representative Wentworth: It’s great to be recognized and honored by the Michigan Manufacturers Association for the work we have done. It is even more rewarding to see local manufacturing businesses thrive and create additional job opportunities for those in Michigan. I will continue to advocate for manufacturing not only in my district but across the state.

Q: When it comes to your service to manufacturers and employers in your district, what are you most proud of?

Representative Wentworth: I am proud of the work my office has done to work with several manufacturers in our district. We have helped to navigate the programs and resources available to help expand and maintain their operations. Creating jobs has always been a priority for me, and will remain a priority to me going into my last term. I know the impact that manufacturing has on not only our community, but our state as a whole, and the importance of ensuring its continued success.

Q: What do you envision for Michigan’s manufacturing future — and how do we get there?

Representative Wentworth: Technology will continue to play a larger role in manufacturing for the foreseeable future. It is important that we continue to craft good policies that allow manufacturing businesses in our state to be competitive as the manufacturing environment evolves. It is also important that we continue to support career and technical education programs while focusing on multiple pathways to education. I look forward to partnering with you to see how else we are able to assist in the continued growth of this field.

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