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Manufacturers: Energy and Paid Leave Proposals Challenge Economic Growth

LANSING (Aug. 30, 2023) — The Michigan Manufacturers Association (MMA) today released the following statement in response to proposals issued by Governor Gretchen Whitmer in the What’s Next Address.

Statement of MMA President & CEO John J. Walsh

Governor Whitmer today recognized Michigan’s manufacturing sector for its role in growing the state’s prosperity. We welcome the Governor’s comments and share in her Administration’s goal to ensure Michigan remains competitive to win. Specifically, we share in the idea that now is the time to pick up the pace. However, we remain concerned that several of the Governor’s proposals will reverse the state’s progress and threaten economic destabilization and stagnation.

We agree that improvements to permitting processes are vital to the state’s existing manufacturers and to attracting more manufacturing investment to our state, as we should. We look forward to working with Governor Whitmer and legislative leaders on policies that will support job growth, attract capital investment and maintain Michigan’s rightful position as the manufacturing state.


The manufacturing sector is moving aggressively and effectively to reduce its carbon footprint. Sound energy policy for Michigan necessarily needs to include as a chief priority affordability and reliability to ensure our manufacturers are able to compete in the global economy from a Michigan location. Energy reliability and cost are key factors in manufacturing site selection and adds community value.

Legislation proposed in both the State House and Senate chambers shifts from a goal-based approach to a mandate-based approach, robbing the ability to balance price and reliability. Gains can be made through energy waste reduction and streamlining the siting of renewables but, if the state’s energy system cannot deliver affordable baseload generation for the largest sector of the Michigan economy, we will lose jobs and future manufacturing growth will go elsewhere.

Paid Leave

Fact: Michigan already has a mandatory paid leave law on the books.

Michigan’s Paid Medical Leave Act provides eligible employees a minimum of 40 hours each benefit year, paid by their employers.

While the Governor’s proposal was short on details, legislation currently under consideration would impose a new $1.5 billion tax on employers and workers alike, compounding the economic pressures facing workers and driving job-providers out of the state

For more information or to schedule a call with MMA President & CEO John Walsh, contact MMA’s Delaney McKinley at 517-487-8530 or mckinley@mimfg.org.

Learn more about MMA.

Contact for Media Outreach

Delaney McKinleyDelaney McKinley
Executive Vice President of Operations
Call 517-487-8530
E-mail mckinley@mimfg.org

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