MIOSHA Walking-Working Surfaces and Fall Protection Rule Changes
The rule changes will impact floors, aisles, stairways, runways, ladders, ramps, elevated platforms, roofs and scaffolds, so all workplaces in all places of employment will be impacted.
While 13 different rule sets will need to be updated, the centerpieces of the revisions are contained in a new GI Part 2, Walking-Working Surfaces and proposed amendments to GI Part 33, Personal Protective Equipment. In addition to numerous and significant changes to fall protection rules, the new rules also require employers to inspect walking-working surfaces regularly and as needed, correct repair or guard against hazardous conditions. Additional information can be found in OSHA’s Frequently Asked Questions site.
Rule promulgation is a lengthy process but MIOSHA is hopeful for an effective date for these rule changes by the end of the year.
We will continue to keep you updated with developments on all of these topics.
Contact Delaney McKinley
Senior Director of Government Affairs and Membership
Call 517-487-8530
E-mail mckinley@mimfg.org