MMA Board Supports Legislative Term Limits Ballot Proposal
LANSING (May 10, 2022) — “Experience in the Legislature matters” is the clear message from the Michigan Manufacturers Association (MMA) Board of Directors as they voted to support the Voters for Transparency and Term Limits proposal to modify Michigan’s term limits law. The proposal would maintain the state’s limit on lawmaker tenure but modify the allowable length of service to enable elected officials to build greater experience and increase their effectiveness.
Current law constrains policymakers to six years in the House of Representatives and eight years in the Senate. The new proposal would expand the maximum legislative term of office to 12 years total in either chamber. The proposal also imposes financial transparency requirements on legislators.
“To attract jobs and economic growth, a strong business climate requires predictable and steady policy. Greater experience and knowledge among policymakers will benefit the state through longer vision and implementation,” said John J. Walsh, President & CEO of the MMA. “The core of the state’s manufacturing economy operates in a complex global one that deserves thoughtful decision making. The MMA Board believes that the changes in this proposal will increase proficiency and stability while maintaining the very concept of term limits to avoid ‘lifetime’ elected officials.”
The MMA also commended the Legislature for its swift action today in passing House Joint Resolution R, which places the proposed constitutional amendment to reform Michigan’s term limits on the November 2022 ballot.
For more information or to schedule a call with MMA Vice President of Government Affairs Mike Johnston, contact MMA’s Delaney McKinley at 517-487-8530 or
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Vice President of Membership, Marketing & Events
Call 517-487-8530