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MMA Endorses Mai Xiong for Michigan’s 13th House District

LANSING (Jan. 25, 2024) — The Michigan Manufacturers Association (MMA) announced its official endorsement of Mai Xiong, candidate for Michigan’s 13th House District, in the special election on Jan. 30, 2024.

For more than 120 years, MMA has served as the unifying champion of the Michigan manufacturing industry, which has propelled Michigan forward through good times and challenging times. As the largest sector of Michigan’s economy, employing more than 610,000 people, it is imperative that state policymakers seek ways to improve Michigan’s business climate and improve the competitive position for manufacturing job creators.

In issuing this endorsement, MMA is recognizing Mai Xiong’s dedication to advancing initiatives that strengthen Michigan's manufacturing landscape and drive Michigan’s economy forward.

“We look forward to working with Mai Xiong to foster economic growth and job creation by implementing policies that support the prosperity of Michigan’s manufacturing sector,” said Mike Johnston, MMA Executive Vice President of Government Affairs & Workforce Development.

For more information or to schedule a call with Mike Johnston, MMA Executive Vice President of Government Affairs & Workforce Development, contact MMA’s Delaney McKinley at 517-487-8530 or mckinley@mimfg.org.

Learn more about MMA.

Contact for Media Outreach

Delaney McKinleyDelaney McKinley
Executive Vice President of Operations
Call 517-487-8530
E-mail mckinley@mimfg.org

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