MMA Welcomes Bill Rayl to Help Members Tackle Talent Challenges
This article appeared in the May/June 2022 issue of MiMfg Magazine. Read the full issue and find past issues online.
Talent continues to be a primary barrier to growth for our industry, our state and our employers. The shortage of people interested in and prepared for a career in manufacturing is a persistent challenge exacerbated by the global pandemic and related economic disruption.
To navigate the gaps between workforce supply and demand, manufacturers need a connector to chart an effective path of collaboration with potential talent producers — including K-12 schools, community colleges, universities and private training providers. And it is my honor to welcome one of the country’s most recognized manufacturing talent experts to the MMA family to serve as that connector for Michigan’s industrial sector.
Bill Rayl, MMA’s new Executive Director of Workforce Solutions, has spent most of his career helping manufacturers attract, retain and develop a world-class workforce. In his role at MMA, Bill will continue his lifelong work of developing new partnerships and collaborations to empower Michigan manufacturers to thrive. His work will benefit the full spectrum of manufacturers of all sizes in communities large and small across the state by connecting the needs of our members with the training and pipeline needed to fill the same.
In the coming weeks and months, Bill and the MMA team will be reaching out to members and potential partners to develop collaborative solutions for Michigan manufacturers to win the war for talent.
I invite you to check out the MMA Blog for a brief video from Bill and encourage you to reach out to him at or 517-487-8513.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to your Association to let us know how we can continue to help you.
Contact John J. Walsh
MMA President & CEO
Call 517-487-8550