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New MMA-Supported CTE Legislation

While we’re finalizing the language, I expect the following bills to be introduced in the coming weeks:

  • Greater Career Exploration: Kids in 7th or 8th grade will get a robust career exploration and job readiness course
  • Boost CTE Instructor Recruitment: Rather than requiring a fully certified teacher, an instructor’s skilled trades expertise and field experience will be recognized to qualify them to teach CTE classes
  • Real World Experience for Educators: Time spent with local employers will count toward required continuing education and professional development
  • Skilled Trade Awareness: Proprietary Schools and Skilled Trade Employers will have access to student directory information to market educational and career opportunities. 

We’re also working to build support in the Senate for House Bills 4315-4318, House-passed legislation that would create greater flexibility in the Michigan Merit Curriculum, which has been held up in the Senate Education Committee since April.

Contact Delaney McKinley

Delaney McKinleySenior Director of Government Affairs and Membership
Call 517-487-8530
E-mail mckinley@mimfg.org

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