Premium Associate Member Spotlight: Safety Decals
This article appeared in the June 2018 issue of MiMfg Magazine. Read the full issue and find past issues online.
Safety and compliance are two words which may sound routine, but in manufacturing they are absolutely essential to save lives. Manufacturing facilities house equipment powerful enough to crush steel, machines designed to turn metals into molten-hot liquid and vehicles that zip around corners on a regular basis. There are distractions aplenty — bright lights, concrete floors, sharp objects and loud noises. The slightest misstep can result in staggering costs, financial liability and a shattered reputation to your business, not to mention physical harm to your most important asset — your people.
Durable overhead signage, labels, manuals, tags, floor markings and decals can reduce those risks and keep you from becoming complacent. If you get casual with compliance, people get hurt.
“The compliance standards affecting your business can change daily and they can change at the federal, state and local level. It’s imperative to the success of your business that you stay atop those changes and make the proper decisions to keep safety front-of-mind — that’s where companies like Safety Decals can help,” said Nick Tykoski, owner & CEO of Safety Decals.
A third-generation owner and expert in the signage industry, Tykoski and his knowledgeable staff provide manufacturers with compliance solutions on a global scale.
“We create a lot of artwork for the customers — anything from a logo or general warning, caution or informational sign to products detailing voltage restrictions, fire hazards or chemicals,” Tykoski explains. “Decals for equipment are another area we specialize in. The decal is often the last piece to the puzzle before a machine is shipped so we guarantee shipment within 24 hours. We’ll get you what you need without holding up your production timeline.”
There’s an extra sense of pride for employees when they work in a safe environment. They work harder, worry less and want to be there more.
Continuing, Tykoski acknowledges, “quality and customer service are our core values — we understand what’s at stake. A miscalculation or error on these warnings can be costly and they can be deadly. We do our job by ensuring your team can do theirs.”
Reliable suppliers of markings and decals can be a must for the expanding manufacturer. They don’t just keep workers safe; your customers rely on them in their homes, offices and on the road.
“If you haven’t found a consistent source for your signage, you really need to make that a priority,” Tykoski says. “Whether it’s with Safety Decals or another business, if you aren’t in compliance, that can be a disaster. By building a relationship with the team responsible for your safety markings, they learn about you and can serve your business better.”
As the market for these products continue to grow — and it is with Safety Decals anticipating 50-100% growth in workforce in the next two years to meet the needs of Michigan manufacturers — more employers should look to them for compliance assistance.
“We’ve got a strong working relationship with many OSHA inspectors throughout Michigan and they really do want to work with you rather than fine you — if you begin an open dialogue with them today, it can save on headaches or significant costs tomorrow,” reminds Tykoski. “I love going out each day and meeting with customers and learning what they do. We’re here to provide solutions. It’s not about a quick sale — it’s about safety and that matters to us.”
Guy Hurley Insuarnce & Surety Services is an MMA Premium Associate Member and has been an MMA member company since July 2006. Visit online: