Sales, Marketing in a Non-Handshaking World
This article appeared in the August 2020 issue of MiMfg Magazine. Read the full issue and find past issues online.
Marketing and sales for manufacturers are changing. For the last 30 plus years, manufacturers have relied on marketing tactics like trade show lead generation, billboards, newspapers, cold calling, door to door sales, and networking. But, to do business in a world where you can no longer meet face-to-face to close a deal let alone shake hands, manufacturers need to appeal to today’s market and their purchasing behaviors. Things have changed. So, we roll with it and adjust accordingly. That means authentically connecting your brand digitally.
Meet Digitally
The days of closing a deal with a firm handshake and signing on the dotted line are over. Phone calls work but only to a certain extent. Especially when selling, it helps to be able to look the person in the eye and talk through the details together. Platforms like Zoom are great alternatives to still being able to do business as normal. It may also be helpful to try an online proposal software to create, send, and track contracts like Proposify. It’s not the same as it once was, but it’s the ‘new’ normal.
When collecting leads online and communicating digitally, it can be extremely helpful to have a CRM (customer relationship management) software, like HubSpot. This will help keep contacts organized and open up a line of communication between you and current and future customers. It allows automation of everyday tasks, improves efficiency, and gives analytical data that can be used to optimize marketing efforts.
Digital Storytelling
One of the best ways to tell your story digitally is through video. The trick is to convey your narrative in a way that appeals to your audience. Almost every product made by a manufacturer impacts people in some way. Every product has a story. Most products on the market today didn’t start that way. There’s a story there. Storytelling is a great way to position any brand or product in a unique way. A well-produced video and a compelling narrative may be just what your business needs to see the growth you want.
Solid Strategy
Of course, you need a solid digital strategy. Having a strategy in place helps effectively organize and implement appropriate tactics. It is key to any successful marketing and sales efforts. Any effective strategy encompasses in-depth market research and gives an intimate understanding of specific audiences.
Taking marketing efforts digital, doesn’t have to be hard. It can be helpful to bring in an experienced team that specializes in manufacturer marketing. By focusing on these core components, your business will be well on its way to success in sales and marketing in our world’s new normal.
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- Michigan Creative is an MMA Premium Associate member and has been an MMA member company since March 2016.
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