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Snyder Signs MMA-Supported Legislation on Electrician Ratio

Public Act 73 of 2016 (Representative Amanda Price, R-Holland) amends the Electrical Administrative Act to require a 1:3 ratio of electrical journeymen or master electricians to registered apprentice electricians — an improvement over the previous 1:1 standard. The current ratio for the construction industry is 1:2. The bill passed the Legislature in March.

“This improved worker ratio creates more opportunities for employment and enable manufacturers to focus on important safety training,” said Andy Such, MMA director of environmental and regulatory policy. “Manufacturers already abide by strict safety standards in the workplace environment. Adherence to a 1:1 ratio may unnecessarily force manufacturers to limit the number of skilled apprentices they employ. Reducing that limitation benefits the entire Michigan economy.”

Contact Andy Such

Andy SuchDirector of Regulatory & Environmental Policy
Call 517-487-8543
E-mail such@mimfg.org

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