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The Seven Ways You Benefit from Video

Here are seven ways the power of video marketing can grow your business:

  1. Identify your product as Made in Michigan
    If you can say something is made locally, shout it from the rooftop. According to Consumer Reports, 78 percent of Americans would rather buy something made in the USA. Double down on the new wave of “Made in Michigan” pride — it can be an extremely powerful marketing tool. Show how you contribute to the local economy, and 80 percent of buyers will follow your brand with gusto.
  2. Tell your story.
    Your company story is unique and many people want to hear it. Do you employ more than a hundred staff –– or maybe you produce quality products with a staff of less than ten? Did your company start specializing in one thing, only to bravely change gears twenty years later to really find your niche? Video brings your story to life and start a conversation about your brand.
  3. Brand recognition
    Many manufacturers make the parts that end up in larger, more complex products. They work hard, but the recognition is hard to come by. Video is a great way to highlight the work you’ve been doing behind the scenes for years. If a product couldn’t be built without you, you deserve to be recognized for it.
  4. Show off your facility.
    Something about technology and big machines excites us. Public tours can put a smile on even the most unlikely face. Video brings that excitement right to the viewer’s home, becoming a 24/7 all-access pass to the action without pausing your production. (C’mon, we’re working here!)
  5. Change the perception of manufacturing.
    Manufacturing isn’t what the public thinks — it’s high tech, exciting, innovative, safe, clean, full of benefits and a legitimate source of pride for the hundreds of thousands of Michigan men and women who work in it. The best way to combat public misconceptions is to flood the market with the truth. Don’t be shy –– shed some light on what you’re doing in their own backyard!
  6. Show yourself off to “big deal people”.
    You’re busy making stuff. We get that. But investors, community leaders, and your own Board want to know what’s happening. With video, you can breathe a little easier knowing that you have something in your back pocket to show (not tell) what you’ve accomplished. Videos are a great way to thank your team too! Show off your videos during the annual staff BBQ — it encourages company pride, and reminds your employees that what they do benefits the local community and that they are a really big deal!
  7. Attract talent!
    Good company culture attracts talent. There’s a reason people want to work at Google — it looks like a blast. Studies have shown that two thirds of Millennial Generation place high importance in knowing their career choice focuses on purpose over profit. Manufacturing careers have countless benefits and impact the lives of millions of people each day. Your company video can tell that story and help attract loyal, long-term employees.

About the Author

Siobhan FindlaySiobhan Findlay is the video production manager for Michigan Creative. She may be reached at 517-489-4970 or siobhan@michigancreative.com.

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